Studio Etiquette
Show up on time!
Getting into the session while everyone's already started disrupts everyone's flow, and you risk losing your spot to a participant on the waitlist. Arrive at least 5 minutes before class or 15 minutes for your first time. This gives you enough prep time before the workout begins.
Maximum radio silence
It sucks, but we expect you to take a break and unplug from "The rest of the world" for 30-45 minutes or 60 minutes. Keep all distractions tucked away so that every participant can focus on their workout.
Dress for sweat and movement
We encourage clean, dry, and comfortable but not loose sports clothing to allow you to move freely and effortlessly follow the teacher's instructions. Non-slippery socks are mandatory for classes, and tidy hair makes you enjoy the workout.
No gum, and bring plenty of water
You can chew gum during the pre or post-classes. You may not chew gum during sessions where you work out on your back, as this is a choking hazard. Once the workout catches on, you will need to stay hydrated-bring a water bottle to class.
No perfume and heavy body lotions/oils
It's encouraged that you smell nice, but less is more when it comes to scents and perfumes. When you sweat between sessions, your scent may fill the room. Instructors or other participants may feel uncomfortable or experience severe physical reactions like violent migraines and hives-mind others. Similarly, oily body lotions damage the apparatus, stain the equipment's wood and leather parts, and may cause slipping on the studio floor. If you must, use the smallest dab of lotion.
Leave the studio clean, and remember your stuff.
We do our best to maintain a neat, clean, and odor-free studio, and we know you appreciate the fresh and tidy studio. But we were hoping you could help keep it clean and orderly by taking a few minutes after your class to help us out. We'll need you to sanitize your apparatus, props, and equipment with the sanitizers and wipes provided and return all the equipment to its original location/position, including racks, so they are ready for the next participant and class. Before leaving, check the area around your reformer class to be sure you don't leave any valuables behind.
Give your instructor a heads-up if you need to leave early.
We get it, emergencies happen, and things come up. We insist you avoid distracting the entire class when you leave early without warning. Rather than let your instructor know that you plan to leave as the rest of the class is holding their plank, show up earlier before the class and let the instructor know that you will be heading out before the class ends. This way, you can discreetly sneak out without disturbing the flow and focus of the class and keep everyone in the groove.
Cancel on time
Appreciate your time and the time of others by canceling your attendance ahead of time. The reformer is a busy studio with many members on the waitlist waiting for their chance to join. Be considerate and help give others a chance to get a spot by canceling on time.